There is world of opportunity for creative interior designers who wish to transform spaces with ease. Custom wallpaper and wall coverings are inexpensive ways of creating stunning effects that will delight the users of the space and satisfy your creative ambitions.

Instead of deciding on a color or color scheme for walls, how about choosing or designing an image that would be perfect for the location, mood, and client? This might be an inspirational landscape, a still from a film, or something more abstract that requires (or defies) explanation. Whatever you choose, the beauty of our wall coverings is that you are only limited by your imagination.

When thinking of custom wallpaper, this is another great place to let the imagination soar. It’s a perfect chance to have something that exists nowhere else in the world. Imagine a completely new pattern that you would like to see on walls, perhaps inspired by images seen in engineering, forestry, or other industries relevant to you or your clients.

Some people who buy custom wallpaper want something that you could almost find in a store if it were not for some added twist, such as the incorporation of skulls into a more traditional wallpaper pattern.

Words also stand up well to use in wall coverings. At Solv Signs and Graphics, we don’t forget that words are attractive in and of themselves. If you’re looking for something more elaborate than a simple font, the right typographic principles can make text-only signage works of art.

You could indulge your love of words with custom wall coverings that feature your favorite quotes. Blow up something inspirational and have it cover an entire wall to make a dramatic impression in any home, office, or retail space. It’s also the kind of wall covering that would look good in any library or bookstore, and it could go a long way toward making the products and environment homogeneous.

Our skilled designers will give you personal attention. We look forward to opportunities to work creatively. And we never neglect the attention to detail, quality craftsmanship, and high-quality materials that set us apart from our competitors. For more information about custom wall paper and wall coverings for interior design, give us a call on (435) 659-7857 or email us at